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Implementation Plan - Room Reservations Email Templates List

Below is a list of customizable email templates that are associated with Room Reservations. 

Audience Email ID Email Type Email Name Active Default Module Description of Email
Employer 331 Automatic Room Reservation Payment Approved No Yes Room Reservations When a room reservations payment has been approved 
Employer 332 Automatic Admin Room Reservation Approved Yes Yes Room Reservations When a room reservation request has been approved by an admin
Employer 333 PopUp Admin Room Reservation Declined Yes Yes Room Reservations When a room reservation request has been declined by an admin
Employer 334 PopUp Admin Room Reservation Date Changed Yes Yes Room Reservations When an admin changes the room reservation request date 
Employer 280 Automatic Employer Request Rooms Only Confirmation No Yes Room Reservations When an employer makes a rooms only confirmation and it is approved by an admin
Employer 281 PopUp Admin Request Rooms Only Confirmed Yes Yes Room Reservations When an admin makes a rooms only request on behalf of an employer and it is confirmed. 
Admin 292 Automatic Company Event Reject Room Assignment No Yes Room Reservations When a company rejects the room assignment for an event
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