Issue: A candidate is trying to log into GradLeaders Career Center but they receive an error stating that Account Creation is disabled, Please Contact your system administrator. Why are they receiving this error and how do I fix this?
Resolution: If one of your candidates are receiving this error, it means your school has SSO enabled and you only allow candidates that you have imported OR have created an account for.
Candidates cannot go to a GradLeaders Career Center login page and register for an account. They must login on your side to gain access to GradLeaders Career Center. Once they are logged in on your side they are directed to GradLeaders Career Center; however, if the user name and email address you have on file for this candidate does not match what's on file for this candidate in GradLeaders Career Center, the system will think the candidate is attempting to create an account because the user name and email your system is passing along does not match what's in our system and the candidate will receive this error.
If the user name and/ or email in GradLeaders Career Center does not match what you have in your system, update the information and ask the candidate to login again.
NOTE: You will not be able to replicate this error by signing in as the candidate through the admin module because you are already authenticated into GradLeaders Career Center. The sign on as function does not follow the same login protocol.
If you find that the candidates user name and email are the same in your system and GradLeaders Career Center, please send in a ticket including a screenshot of the error with the full url included as well as the candidates information.
As of now, there is no way to revise the phrasing of this message.
Article ID: 833
Created On: Nov 11, 2013 at 5:02 PM
Last Updated On: Jul 29, 2022 at 1:01 PM
Authored by: KB Admin
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