Home » Categories » Company Events (OCR), Career Fairs & Workshops » Workshops Overview

Workshop Module

This module is also similar in concept to the Advising and Mock Interview modules. The purpose is to allow the Career Management Office staff to setup and manage the various instructional sessions that they hold for their students. Workshops are Student Only Events. There is no signup for Employers. When setting up Workshops, the admin user identifies a few pieces of critical information (date, time schedule, room, signup deadlines, maximum attendees, etc.). Many schools also include file attachments so that the students can download needed materials (PDFs, documents, etc) for the workshop prior to attending. There is a copy function to allow the admin user to quickly replicate the workshop sessions for various dates and times.

Candidates can browse and signup/withdraw for available workshops. Once a workshop is full, the waitlist signup feature is activated. The admin users can communicate with the students via batch email, move people from waitlist to sign up status, print event sign-in sheets, and track attendance if desired.

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