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Employer No Application Agent Email

Email Title:

Employer No Application Agent Email

Email ID:



Job Board 

Email Recipient(s):


Email Trigger:

This email is sent either daily, weekly, or upon expiration of the job posting if an employer opts to receive the email by selecting either 'Send via email daily', 'Send via email weekly', or 'Send via email upon expiration'  to the question: "Delivery Of Job Posting Applications"  This only processes for jobs that are apply via resume drop where there are no applications


This email template has a generic message at the GradLeaders Standard level. It is sent via  the nightly agent to inform an employer there are no applications to the job posting

The email may be edited by an Admin user on the Job Board to provide a custom email notification to employers that they have no applications for their posting.

Available Parameters

  • ContactLastName - {contactlastname}
  • ContactFirstName - {contactfirstname}
  • ContactName - {contactname}
  • Contact Preferred Name - {contactpreferredname}
  • Contact Prefix - {contactprefix}
  • Contact Suffix - {contactsuffix}
  • Organization - {orgname}
  • UpdatedBy - {updatedby}
  • UpdatedDate - {updateddate}
  • PostDate - {postdate}
  • JobContactEmail - {jobcontactemail}
  • JobDesc - {jobdesc}
  • JobNumber - {jobnumber}
  • Requisition - {requisition}
  • ApplicationMethodEmail - {applicationmethodemail}
  • ApplicationMethodWebsite - {applicationmethodwebsite}
  • Account Manager Email - {accountmanageremail}
  • Account Manager Phone - {accountmanagerphone}
  • Job Location - {joblocation}
  • Work Authorization - {workauthorization}
  • JobTitle - {jobtitle}

This email is controlled by the following settings and/or permissions (if applicable):

Configuration: "Delivery Of Job Posting Applications" must be on the admin and/or employer job posting survey.


The recipient email address used is the Application Email Address, or if there is no email address in the Application Email Address field then the email will be sent to the recruiter's contact email address. The job contact email address is not used for this email.

You can find the proper recruiter email address by clicking the “Send Email” link in the Recruiter Contact Info widget.

This is the same email address found on the recruiter's profile page by clicking the recruiters name in the Recruiter Contact Info widget.

If you click edit in the Recruiter Contact Info widget, it will display the job contact email address which is not the recipient email address.

If the application method is resume drop via system, and the employer or admin selected 'Do Not send via email' to the question "Delivery Of Job Posting Applications" or the email template is blank, then the email is not sent.

If you do not have access to the configuration, please use the “Contact” link above for assistance with modifying your email templates or contact a GradLeaders Representative

An example email:


Applications for - {jobtitle} 



Dear {contactname},

Attached are new set of applications for your Job Posting.  


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