Home » Categories » Company Events (OCR), Career Fairs & Workshops » Company Events Overview

Company Events Module

This module is closely related to the on-campus interviewing module, as most company events are scheduled in advance of the organizations' on-campus interviews for the purpose of informing students about the company and also creating interest in the firm.  GradLeaders Career Center supports two types of company events, single-company events (i.e. Presentations) and multi-company events (i.e. Networking Nights, Industry Nights, etc.)

The process begins with the employer making a request via GradLeaders Career Center to conduct a company event.  For single-company events, they complete a form that typically allows them to identify their preferred dates and give the school other needed information.  For multi-company events, the firm is simply selecting from the available dates that are pre-established by the school administrators.

The admin users can review/approve/re-schedule the requests as needed.  As the events are approved (or setup manually by the admin user), certain critical data fields are completed that establish the date/time/location of the event.  Frequent schools also establish an allowable signup period for students, as well as a maximum number of attendees.  GradLeaders also will manage event waitlists for those events that have signups exceeding the maximum.   

Students can search through the various events and sign-up / withdraw prior to the established deadlines.  The admin user can watch and manage the signups, communicate with the students via batch email if needed, print event sign-in sheets, and track attendance if desired.

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