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Advising/Mocks Statistics & Forecast Report

Report Title: Advising/Mocks Statistics & Forecast
Module: Advising Appointments/ Mock Interviews 
Parameters: Week start date (this is a range From Date calendar picker. Any date selected for the week will default the report start date to the first date of that week (beginning on Sunday)) and Report Type (Advising Appointment, Mock Interview, or Both).

This report provides a generated excel export that will display statistics related to advising and mock appointments for selected week and the week following.

The output of the report will contain the following:

  1. The generated report is the report works broken out by the Class Year and Program questions at school level.
  2. The report will list a line for all the programs at school level.
  3. Each program section will list all the class years answers at school level except Alumni.
  4. Alumni section will list all the programs at School level.
  5. The report will run for the week that started on the date entered plus the next week.
  6. The Program and Class Year counts are counted from the profile responses for class year and program at school level.

Any search criteria that has an asterisk (*) next to it is a required search criteria.

Any report with a Date Range search, it is HIGHLY Recommended that a date range be included. Not including this can cause reports to time out due to the amount of data.

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