Can I charge students money for workshops like etiquette dinners?
Viewed 4129 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's easy to charge students for workshops. To get started, contact your CRM or our Customer Support Team at to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following information: Sales tax price based on...
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How do I email candidates not yet signed up for company events?
Viewed 2965 times since Oct 25, 2017
From the main dashboard go to On Campus Recruiting>Company Events Click on the desired event then navigate to the Student Signups tab. Click Email Not Signed Up on the right-hand side. A box will open with options to select Class Year...
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Why doe the office hours schedule duration not change?
Viewed 4367 times since Nov 17, 2013
Question: I set up an office hours event with an original duration of 2 hours. I was able to change the duration on the event, but the schedule still reflected the original duration. Why is that? Answer: When you first create an office hours...
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What is Room Availability?
Viewed 4077 times since Dec 6, 2010
This is essentially a single screen that tells the user at a glance how many interviews are in use each day, and how many more rooms are available. The Room Availability looks at the rooms that the admin staff has entered and designated for visits...
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What does the term "Crossover" mean for then option "Allow Crossover" on an OCR?
Viewed 4193 times since Oct 6, 2010
Problem: What does the term "Crossover" mean for then option "Allow Crossover" on an OCR? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: The "Allow Crossover" option is used when you are have a Fixed schedule setup for a particular visit (meaning that...
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What does "Respect Slot Count" mean on an OCR?
Viewed 3867 times since Feb 3, 2014
Problem: What does the term "Respect Slot Count" mean on an OCR? Likely Cause(s): n/a Resolution: The "Respect Slot Count" option is used when you are have a Mixed schedule setup for a particular visit (meaning that invitees and bidders are...
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Why does the original recruiter’s information remain when I change "Primary Contact"?
Viewed 3849 times since Nov 11, 2013
Problem: I'm trying to add a new contact for a visit by clicking 'Revise Primary Contact' and entering the new information when editing the interview, but it still shows the original recruiters information. How do I add a new recruiter for this visit...
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How to turn off emails to admin for OCR requests?
Viewed 2384 times since Oct 1, 2010
Problem: School turned on OCR Requests this week for employers - they have a ton coming in and do not wish to be notified each time one comes in. They took out the text, as suggested, but they are still receiving the requests. Is there a setting...
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Can I charge employers money for room reservations or OCR date requests?
Viewed 3449 times since Sep 11, 2017
It's easy to charge employers for room reservations and OCR date requests. To get started, contact your Customer Success Manager or our Customer Support Team to request access to this feature. Be prepared to provide the following information: Sales...
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