Below is a list of customizable email templates that are associated with the Job Posting Module.
Audience | Email ID | Email Type | Email Name | Active | Default | Module | Description of Email |
Student | 29 | Agent | Candidate Job Agent Email | Mixed | Mixed | Jobs | When a candidate creates a job agent out of a search and a job matches that agent is added to GradLeaders Career Center |
Student | 37 | PopUp | Job Posting Cancelled | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Recruiter or Admin cancel a job posting |
Student | 66 | PopUp | Forward To Friend | Yes | No | Jobs | Candidate clicks "Forward to a Friend: link in the job description |
Student | 98 | Agent | HotList Application deadline Reminder Email | Yes | Yes | Jobs | The number of days before the deadline on an application marked on candidate's hotlist |
Student | 170 | PopUp | Admin Job Applicant Added | Yes | Yes | Jobs | When an Admin manually adds a student as an applicant for a job posting |
Student | 181 | Agent | Candidate Job Match Job Agent | Mixed | Mixed | Jobs | When a job is added that matches a candidate's existing Job Match search agent and that job is in the candidate's set of viewable job postings. |
Student | 187 | Agent | Search Agent Expiration Notice | Yes | Yes | Jobs | When a Student's job search agent is about to expire |
Student | 191 | PopUp | Email Job to Classmate | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Permission based on Job Detail Page, This email is sent when a candidate chooses to forward a job posting to a classmate. |
Student | 213 | Automatic | Application Deadline Change To Candidates | No | Yes | Jobs | When candidates have a job hotlisted, and the job expiration date is changed the candidate will receive this email. |
Employer | 2 | PopUp | Job Posting Approval Email | Yes | No | Jobs | When an admin approves a job and clicks on the 'Send Approved' email icon |
Employer | 3 | PopUp | Job Posting Denial Email | Yes | Yes | Jobs | When an admin declines a job and clicks on the 'Send Denied' email icon |
Employer | 69 | Agent | Subscription Expiration Reminder Email | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Lets employers know long since they have posted a job, Dates set under Job Board settings to send reminder and time frame to send. |
Employer | 84 | PopUp | Job Posting Modified Email | Yes | No | Jobs | Notifies an Employer when an admin has modified their approved job posting |
Employer | 99 | Agent | Job Posting Expiring Reminder Email To Employer | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Lets employers know that their job posting is expiring |
Employer | 112 | Agent | Employer Application Batch Email | Yes | No | Jobs | Sent either daily, weekly, or upon expiration of the job posting if an employer opts to receive the email by selecting either 'Send via email daily', 'Send via email weekly', or 'Send via email upon expiration' to the question: "Delivery Of Job Posting Applications" This only processes for jobs that are apply via resume drop. |
Employer | 113 | Agent | Employer No Application Agent Email | No | No | Jobs | Sent either daily, weekly, or upon expiration of the job posting if an employer opts to receive the email by selecting either 'Send via email daily', 'Send via email weekly', or 'Send via email upon expiration' to the question: "Delivery Of Job Posting Applications" This only processes for jobs that are apply via resume drop where there are no applications |
Employer | 114 | Automatic | Employer New Job Confirmation | No | Yes | Jobs | Employer submits a new job posting |
Employer | 200 | Agent | Employer Expired Job Posting Follow-up | No | Yes | Jobs | Notifies an employer telling them they had a job posting expire |
Admin | 48 | Automatic | Notify Admin of New and Modified Job Posting | Yes | No | Jobs | When recruiters post a new job or modify an active job posting. |
Admin | 62 | Agent | Admin Job Agent Email | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Admin sets up job agent. Frequency triggers when email is sent and if new jobs match search |
Admin | 86 | Automatic | Employer Cancel/Expire Job Posting | Yes | No | Jobs | When employer selects icons to Expire or Refresh Job Posting on job detail screen in Employer Dashboard |
Admin | 115 | PopUp | Admin Forward Job | Yes | Yes | Jobs | Admin Clicks "Forward Job" link on the Job Details Page |