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Employer Expired Job Posting Secondary Followup

Email Title:

Employer Expired Job Posting Secondary Followup 

Email ID:



Job Board 

Email Recipient(s):


Email Trigger:

This email is sent x number of days after the Application Deadline Date when the job meets specific conditions. This email can also be sent to recruiters based on specified job audiences. 


This email template is by default blank at the GradLeaders Standard level. It is sent via the nightly agent.

The email may be edited by an admin user on the job board to provide a custom email message.

Available Parameters

  • AccountManager - {accountmanager}
  • ApplicationMethodEmail - {applicationmethodemail}
  • ApplicationMethodWebsite - {applicationmethodwebsite}
  • ContactFirstName - {contactfirstname}
  • ContactLastName - {contactlastname}
  • ContactName - {contactname}
  • EmailAddress - {emailaddress}
  • Expiredate - {expiredate}
  • JobContactEmail - {jobcontactemail}
  • JobDesc - {jobdesc}
  • JobNumber - {jobnumber}
  • JobTitle - {jobtitle}
  • Organization - {orgname}
  • PostDate - {postdate}
  • Requisition - {requisition}
  • UpdatedBy - {updatedby}
  • UpdatedDate - {updateddate}

This email is controlled by the following settings and/or permissions (if applicable):

Job Board Program Settings > Job Board Settings > Agents: Send Expired Job Posting Secondary Follow-up to Employer

Job Board Program Settings > Job Board Settings > Agents: Send Expired Job Posting Secondary Follow-up for Job Audience

-This setting allows schools to send this email to recruiters based on the job audience of the job posting. The setting is defaulted to All Audiences.


This email notification will only be sent if the job posting meets the following criteria:
- it is NOT a multi-post/distributed job
- it is Approved or Modified
- the email template is populated with a Subject/Body
- the Send Expired Job Posting Secondary Follow-up to Employer program setting is set to a value greater than 0

If you do not have access to the configuration, please use the “Contact” link above for assistance with modifying your email templates or contact a GradLeaders Representative

An example email:


Job Posting Follow Up 


Dear {contactfirstname}:

Thank you for your recent job posting, {jobtitle}, which expired on {expiredate}. We appreciate your interest in our students and hope that you were pleased with the applicants for this role. 

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