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Implementation Plan - Co-op/Internship/Experiential Learning Email Templates List

Below is a list of customizable email templates that are associated with the Co-op/Internship/Experiential Learning Module. 

Audience Email ID Email Type Email Name Active Default Module Description of Email
Student 302 Automatic Co-op Evaluation Completed by Employer Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies a student that the employer completed their co-op evaluation
Student 305 Automatic Co-op Evaluation Completion Confirmation For Student Yes Yes Co-op/Internship When a student completes their evaluation step, this provides a link to see the evaluation
Student 307 Agent Co-op Evaluation Notification For Student Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies a student letting them know that they have an evaluation to complete
Student 309 Agent Co-op Evaluation Reminder For Student Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Reminder email for a student that they have an evaluation to complete
Employer 303 Automatic Co-op Evaluation Completed by Student Yes Yes Co-op/Internship This email is sent when a student has completed their evaluation
Employer 304 Automatic Co-op Evaluation Completion Confirmation For Employer Yes Yes Co-op/Internship This email after an employer completes an evaluation for a student
Employer 306 Agent Co-op Evaluation Notification For Employer Yes Yes Co-op/Internship This email is sent to let an employer know that they have an evaluation to complete
Employer 308 Agent Co-op Evaluation Reminder For Employer Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Reminder email for an Employer that they have an evaluation to complete
Admin 298 Automatic Co-op Approval Workflow – Complete Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies an admin when the approval workflow is completed for a student
Admin 299 Automatic Co-op Approval Workflow – Step Rejected Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies an admin when an approval workflow step has been rejected
Admin 300 Automatic Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies an admin when an approval workflow step is to be completed by them
Admin 301 Automatic Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Reminds an admin that they have an approval workflow step to complete 
Admin 310 Automatic Co-op Reported by Student Yes Yes Co-op/Internship Notifies an admin when a student has submitted a co-op record
Employer 328 PopUp Send Survey to Employer Yes Yes Evaluations When an admin manually sends a survey to an employer to complete 


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