Resume/CV Database Module
Viewed 4236 times since Nov 10, 2010
This module is the core GradLeaders Career Center module and is very process-driven. The process begins with the school working with GradLeaders to establish the candidate profile content. GradLeaders will advise that the majority of our standard...
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Candidate Management Module
Viewed 3524 times since Nov 10, 2010
This module helps the school organize and manage its student and alumni information and history. The candidate data is built upon the contact and profile information provided by the student in the resume database module, but many schools choose to...
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Using test candidate accounts
Viewed 4290 times since Nov 16, 2013
Test Candidate Accounts We often receive inquiries from different schools regarding candidates having access to resources they shouldn't have access to OR candidates being able to see things they shouldn't be able to see. A percentage of these...
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Block candidates from uploading PDF resumes
Viewed 4207 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: Is there a way to block candidates from uploading a PDF resume? Answer: Yes, this is controlled by a setting that our support staff will have to enable. Please send in a support ticket letting us know which PIDs you would like to block PDF...
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Is there a way to only show candidates who have uploaded a resume?
Viewed 11433 times since Nov 11, 2013
Question: Is there a way to only show candidates who have uploaded a resume? Answer: Yes, we can add a resume uploaded date field to the grid and you can sort by that OR we can add the field to the basic search and you can filter candidates that way...
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Job Board Module
Viewed 39748 times since Nov 10, 2010
This module is a comprehensive way for schools to manage their job board. Much like the resume data base (RDB), GradLeaders will advise that the majority of our standard job posting form is utilized, so that our partner firms can effectively use...
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Usability - Search Improvements
Viewed 3309 times since Nov 20, 2019
These enhancements are part of the release on December 2, 2019. The improvements to the student job search page were driven by two factors: accessibility standards and direct student feedback. These changes were made consistently in every screen...
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